​Library Square Montessori
"Help me Do It Myself!"

Library Square Montessori is located across Enoch Pratt Free Library and within walking distance of Patterson Park.
Learning is a very active process involving purposeful movement. Our Montessori classroom is designed to give children the freedom to move and to choose activities based upon their own interests and needs. The materials on the shelves are beautiful to inspire interest, aesthetic appreciation and encourage independence. All spaces are kept clean and tidy to satisfy the children's need for order.
Areas of interest offered to the children are practical life (self-care and daily living skills), sensorial (development of the senses), geography, culture, art, music, science, language and mathematics. We also offer Mandarin Chinese language program in the afternoon.
A typical day starts with grace and courtesy, then the work time begins. During the work period, children are free to choose from a variety range of activities, or given with one-on-one or small group presentations based on his/her individual readiness. The lessons and materials are to foster the child’s independence, concentration, control of movement, social skills and academic development.
Our classroom is a mix-aged community of children two years and nine months old to five years of age. This family-like atmosphere where children are encouraged to help, teach and share with each other. Lunchtimes are spent setting the table, talking, cleaning the table, etc. It is with the purpose to promote the practical life skills as well as the cheerful social experiences.
Our most important goal is for children to develop a sense of belonging in their community and a love of learning, finding joy and peace in their active pursuit of knowledge.
LSM offers full day from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Directress, Ms. Yang holds a master degree in Early Childhood Education and is certified by Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in both primary and elementary training. She was the lead teacher for three years when Patterson Park Montessori first opened. She also had several years teaching experience at Westgate Christian Academy in Boston.
We like to be a community that functions more like a family than a school. We see ourselves as partners, sharing in a common goal to develop your children to be respectful, responsible and resourceful.
Parents who are interested in Montessori Education are encouraged to contact us at librarysquare201@gmail.com or call 410-900-9360 to schedule a personal appointment to meet with the Directress. This will give you an opportunity to learn about the program offered for the upcoming school year.